Stages Of A Rebel Business, Part 2

Stages Of A Rebel Business, Part 2

This is part 2, a continuation from the last episode. We're talking about the stages a Rebel Business goes through. Here are the stages as I think about them:

Create stage: this is where you create your business beyond the therapy room.

Grow stage: this is where your business starts making a real income.

Expand stage. this is where you really hit your stride.

Limitless Growth stage: this is where you grow your empire to 7 figures and beyond.

For each stage, I'll talk about the biggest internal change that can happen, what we most need to do and put in place during this stage, and what can go wrong. I'll also tell you what programs I've got to help you through the different stages.

Stages Of A Rebel Business

Stages Of A Rebel Business

One of my Rebel Therapist Masterminders mentioned recently that they like it that these episodes feature people at different stages of business. That got me to thinking. I've never really done an episode on the different stages and what gets folks from one stage to another. I realized I would have found an episode about that really helpful when I was going through the earlier stages, so I'm making it for you.

I'm gonna talk about what I know I needed and what I see my clients and colleagues needing in each of these stages. I'll give examples and refer you to Rebel Therapist episodes you might want to listen to about people going through each of these stages.

Ask Your People With Ayelet Marinovich

Ask Your People With Ayelet Marinovich

Meet Ayelet Marinovich, an author, pediatric speech-language pathologist, parent educator, and podcaster.

Ayelet built the Learn With Less Empire, helping parents learn to maximize the time and energy they have with their tiny humans, so they can do the big job of raising them.

As you listen to Ayelet's journey to creating learn with less as it is today, there's a theme I want you to listen for:

Ask Your People.

One of the rebel therapists in my program asked me recently what sets apart people who's programs succeed, and this is one of those things: have a regular practice of asking your people.

Have a habit of asking your people from the very beginning and then along the way.

I think this episode can serve as a master class in that practice.

Ayelet asked her people at every step of building her company. The first person she listened to was herself. As a new parent, she asked herself what she was needing, and then she asked other parents and caregivers what they were needing. She responded to those things.

From there, she continued to ask what they were finding most helpful about what she was providing, and what else they needed. She iterated her program several times and published 2 best-selling books, all in response to what she learned in these conversations.

As you're listening to this episode, I hope you'll be getting yourself ready to take action on ASKING YOUR PEOPLE. If you haven't created the first iteration of your signature program, I hope you'll look for opportunities to start conversations to find out what your people are struggling with.

If you've already offered one iteration or more of your program, I hope you'll ask your people what they found most helpful and what else they need.

Asking is a practice we've got to do over and over, because we can't take one person's answer and run with it. Your people won't all agree.

We've got to ask and listen over and over again so that we can notice the patterns and tendencies.

Membership Communities With Kim Restivo Lange

Membership Communities With Kim Restivo Lange

This week I’m talking to Kim Restivo Lange, a therapist and entrepreneur in Wilmington, North Carolina. Listen as we talk about how and why she created the Growing Up Confident Collective, a membership for parents who want to help their kids with social and emotional learning. Kim tuned out the most common advice and conventions about what she SHOULD be doing in her business in order to create the vision for her collective. In this conversation we get into how she made the rebellious decision to start her community before some people would have said she had a big enough audience.

Your First Scaled Offer With Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

Your First Scaled Offer With Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

This week I’m talking to Lindsay Bryan-Podvin, a financial therapist and entrepreneur. Lindsay describes herself as being at the very beginning of her journey of scaling her services beyond 1:1 or 1:2. We dive into how she's creating a group workshop and a 6-month course to help couples with personal finance. You'll hear how she is using all of her experiences in the therapy room to create thoughtful programs that encourage deep transformation.

Pricing Your Genius With Jacquette Timmons

Pricing Your Genius With Jacquette Timmons

This week I’m featuring Jacquette Timmons, a financial behaviorist in New York City. We focused on two areas: how she prices her offerings and how she builds and nurtures her audience. If you're working on expanding your business beyond the therapy room, those are two areas you know require a lot of thought and attention. If you don't pay attention to them, your business can't thrive, even if your work is amazing.

Permission To Do It Differently With Heather Gray

Permission To Do It Differently With Heather Gray

This week I’m talking to Heather Gray, a mindset consultant who works with entrepreneurs all over the world. Listen to what Heather is doing in her business that’s working for her. It's totally different from what most other therapists and coaches are doing. Listen to how she’s using ONE form of marketing to make her business thrive. Listen also to how she’s providing service to her clients on demand rather than in regularly scheduled sessions. Of course, you’ll hear some of the mindset work she’s moved through herself, which she now helps her clients move through.

I left this conversation with new ideas for my own business and I think you will too!

Smart Growth With Tara McMullin

Smart Growth With Tara McMullin

This week I’m talking to Tara McMullin, a powerhouse in the realm of serving small business owners. She’s the founder of the What Works Network and host of the What Works podcast. Listen as we talk about the transitions Tara has been through in her business. You’ll hear how starting with a VERY narrow niche helped to accelerate her growth. We also talk about how her ROLE has changed, and how and why she’s shifted away from advice-giving. You’ll also hear what’s been working extremely well for Tara in communicating on social media. It’s all about story telling. As soon as you hear her experience with human-sized stories, you'll start using social media differently. Tara believes in sharing experience rather than advice, and you’re in for a treat as she shares some key parts of her own experiences in business.

Why Branding Matters With Jenny Ambrose

Why Branding Matters With Jenny Ambrose

I brought in the branding goddess who's helped me with Rebel Therapist, Jenny Ambrose of Puree Fantastico. She's here to tell you that branding is not what you think it is. Branding is a way to express who you are, what you do, and even what it FEELS like to work with you. Yep, good branding goes deep. Good branding integrates everything in your business. In this conversation, we talk about my experience working with Jenny and how my own ideas about branding evolved with her help. She also gives us ideas about how to get started with branding on your own and how to know whether it might be a good time to hire a pro.

Lessons Learned In Leveling Up

Lessons Learned In Leveling Up

This is episode 100! I wanted to do something special and different this week.

The theme today is lessons learned in expanding your business.

I’ve been running this program, Rebel Mastermind, where therapists level up their businesses and serve in new ways beyond the therapy room.

I invited some folks who are in the middle of that program to bravely share with you.

I asked each of them to tell us one surprising thing they’ve learned or are learning in the process of expanding their businesses, and how that lesson is playing out in their businesses so far.