About — Rebel Therapist

You've got a vision of a different way of running your business, one where you have more profit, more free time, and more fulfillment.

It's hard to hold on to this vision... You get lost in the day-to-day running of your practice. You hear from other therapists that you can't make a great living in private practice (and sometimes you believe them). You work on building your business in a somewhat random way. Working hard without a strategy is not getting you closer to your vision. It may even be burning you out. 

It's time to build your business in a more effective way.

There's something unique and powerful about who you are as a therapist. When you get clear about what that is and learn how to communicate about it effectively, you can build your business with much more ease. You're also able to create a strategy that will move your business in the direction you really want it to go, aligned with your vision. 

Our method guides you to use your strengths and create a business that's bolder and more innovative. Rather than just doing what other therapists are doing, our method guides you to create the practice only you can create. 

We do NOT provide a generic blueprint for building a business. We help you create an individualized strategy and to maintain your focus over time. We teach you to make every business decision in a way that brings you closer to the business you really want. 


About Annie

I'm a therapist myself. I have been running a successful private practice for 20 years, and I've been mentoring other therapists in their businesses for 10 years.  

When I started out in private practice, I struggled. I struggled with my mindset around money, I struggled with not knowing how to build a private practice, and I felt anxious about my business. At times I believed the discouraging things I heard from others about private practice. 

I got to the other side of that, and created a business way beyond what I used to imagine. I don't want you to go through that same struggle! I want you to tap into your potential right away. 

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my wife and 2 children. 

Work with Annie.