t first this will seem like a story about my online yoga instructor.
But it’s really a story about making your business more sustainable by stopping unnecessary and exhausting emotional labor.
Can you REALLY make great money running a program that you love and that’s based on what you do best?
Rebecca Lee does. And she’s got a year-long waitlist.
As a social worker and supervisor for social workers, she felt a pull to create something totally different, something that wouldn’t fit into the box of supervision or therapy or even coaching as we know it.
In the last episode of Rebel Therapist Podcast, talked to Claire Pelletreau about switching roles with her husband so that she’s no longer the default parent.
That change made a REALLY big difference in her business.
Because she made that change she’s able to take on big projects, and make more money.
And that got me thinking about what boundaries help me take on the big stuff that really makes me happy, makes a big impact and sometimes makes my business lots of money.
It’s really fucking hard to be a mother entrepreneur with young kids, especially if you’re the default or primary parent.
My guest this week has a robust business and she makes good money.
She realized last year that she was afraid to take on big projects in her business because as the primary parent of 2 young kids, she didn’t consistently have the capacity she’d need to carry them through. She and her husband decided to switch roles. In this conversation she talks about what’s changed since they made that switch.