Becoming A Fierce Leader With Dara Hoffman-Fox

Dara H-F.png

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Show Notes:

If you’ve ever felt called to be a leader beyond the therapy room, you’ll want to hear my conversation with Dara Hoffman-Fox, LPC. We dive into Dara’s journey to becoming an author and leader in serving gender questioning, transgender, and non-binary people. You’ll love Dara’s honesty and ability to stay humble and curious while also being a fierce leader.

Topics Discussed In This Episode:

  • How Dara realized it was time to step into an expert role

  • Writing their book: You And Your Gender Identity: A Guide To Discovery

  • Creating Youtube videos

  • Balancing family and entrepreneurship

  • Learning from podcasts for entrepreneurs

  • Helping therapists become more affirming and competent with transgender, non-binary and gender questioning people

  • Creating a course for therapists

  • Some tips for folks who want to be better allies

  • Testing out ideas in their business

Resources Discussed:

LGBQIA and Trans Affirming Therapists Facebook Group

More From Dara:

Trans Affirming Therapists Academy


Book: You And Your Gender Identity: A Guide To Discovery

More From Annie:

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