Lessons From Rebellious Entrepreneurs, Part 1

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Show Notes:

I briefly mentioned some really incredible entrepreneurs in episode 164: The Best Niches Beyond Private Practice. My friend Podge listened and then said something like: Are we going to have a chance to hear more about all of these people? I want to hire ALL of them!

That is a fantastic idea. Even better, I want you to get to hear FROM a lot of these people.

This is a series sharing the voices of people who have been through Rebel Therapist programs recently. They have created some phenomenal programs.

I want you to hear from them because

  1. It will inspire you to realize you can create something amazing too.

  2. You will get to hear a bit about what they learned in creating these programs and that will help normalize the process entrepreneurs go through.

  3. You may fall in love with them. I know I have.

So for this series, you’ll be hearing from these incredible folks.

They are giving us such a gift and I can’t thank them enough.

Hear about the programs each of these entrepreneurs has created and the lessons they’ve learned so far in leveling up.

Judy Hu is a trauma informed therapist in Cambridge, MA. She does not want to help you just cope in this dysfunctional world, but to thrive in it by actively unlearning toxic belief systems that you learned in your childhood. She created Boundaries For BIPOC: Breaking Free From Oppression.


“Get this, private practice, pandemic parents: I actually have the energy to look forward to picking my kids up from school and hanging out with them. And, you know, what's really blowing my mind? I can finally see a way that I can take one entire...

Dr. Jen Blanchette is the host of the TBI Therapist podcast. She is a licensed psychologist and coach for people who have experienced a concussion or TBI.


"The thing I’ve learned is that you can’t do this alone. I just feel like I gained so much from Annie's influence and also my fellow group members. So I went through both CYP and the mastermind, and I found that at the end of those experiences, I...

Liz Dube, a Certified Sex Therapist, Coach and Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, loves working with people who want to better understand themselves sexually and feel sexually empowered. She's helped thousands of men, women, and couples feeling stuck sexually and is working her ass off to save the world one bedroom at a time.


“I was conflicted about using social media as a marketing platform because of all the messages I got from grad school telling me I needed to keep a low profile and I needed to be a blank slate or in my mind that translated to staying small. However..

Kelly Guthrie, Ph.D. is a therapist and coach who has been helping people strengthen their partner relationships for the past 20 years. Her specialty is working with couples who feel more like roommates than soulmates since children came into their lives; she is especially fond of working with these couples because she vividly remembers just how tough those early years of parenting were on her own marriage.


“Now what I do is when I start to feel overwhelmed or when I find myself wanting to avoid doing things to grow my business, I take a deep breath.  I ground myself. I acknowledge and honor my feelings. And then I work on adjusting my mindset. I...

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