Free Workshop: Choose A Juicy Niche

for your program beyond private practice

Tuesday, October 29th at 11 am PT

and get the recording if you sign up


Are you a therapist, healer or coach who wants to create a signature program beyond your private practice?

Niching for your expanded business is a totally DIFFERENT process.

(What worked there may not work here.)

A great niche is one of the biggest predictors of the success of your program.

Here are the thoughts about niching that might be getting in your way:

“I’ll be bored if I niche too narrow….I might choose the wrong one…Someone else is already in my favorite niche.”

We’ll talk through why you don’t have to trip on those thoughts anymore.

Here’s what we’ll do while we’re together: 

🔥Identify the keys to a viable niche, including the “cousin test”

🔥Walk through 4 methods to clarify your potential niche

🔥Look at examples of niche makeovers

🔥Hear about Create Your Program, for those of you who want to create a program with my help

🔥Q&A about your particular situation

I’m Annie Schuessler, Business Strategist for over 15 years and host of Rebel Therapist Podcast. I help people trained as therapists and healers create innovative programs so they can work with more freedom, make a bigger impact, and make money in new ways.

Ready to create your signature program? Learn more here.