Ready For The Superpower Method? Answer These Two Questions.

superpower method

Registration opens today for The Superpower Method For Therapists® Program.

Register now.

You're thinking this might be the right time to grow your practice into something unique and profitable. That's what this program has helped many therapists do, and I'd love to help you do it too.

To decide whether it's the right time for you to invest in this program, ask yourself these 2 questions:

  1. Where will my business be in 6 months if I don't do this program?
  2. Where will my business be in 6 months if I do this program?

To help you answer, I'll tell you what this program is about.

This program is about taking action for 14 weeks. 

This program is designed for you to get important stuff done in your business. The entire program is action oriented. You’ve got homework with deadlines. Each assignment will bring you closer to the practice you want. I also give you a bonus challenge for every lesson so that if you finish the homework and still have time and energy, you can take your business even further.

Register now.

This program is about accountability.

You’ll be on video calls and a secret Facebook group with an experienced business consultant and a small group of your peers who are also dedicating 14 weeks to turning their practices around. Watching other therapists make changes and take risks is inspiring. It makes you want to do more.

Register now.

This program is about making changes.

For 14 weeks, you’ll be guided through a process to identify the weak spots in your business and address them. You’ll be encouraged to shift your business to take full advantage of your unique strengths. A therapist in this group usually makes at least one of these big moves:

  • Changing their business from a general practice to one with a clear specialty

  • Adding one or more clinicians to their practice

  • Adding a new service to their practice that leverages their time

  • Starting an overhaul of their website

  • Getting off of insurance panels

Register now.

Registration closes on February 7th. This program fills up.