Copy On Your Therapy Website: Less Is More


When it comes to copy on your therapy website, less is more.


When I say “copy,” I’m talking about the words on your site, such as your home page, your about me page, and your services pages.


I know it’s hard to keep it simple. You do so many things as a therapist. You help people with so many different kinds of problems, and you’re trained in so many methods.


It takes a lot of words to describe all that.


Luckily, describing everything you do is NOT the job of your website. 


The job of your website is to help your right-fit clients get a sense of whether you will understand them, whether they will feel comfortable with you, and whether you will be able to help them.


One way to help a potential client feel comfortable is to give them a clear and simple experience on your website. 


What if you have a lot to share with your potential clients?


There’s room for that in the form of articles or blog posts. Some potential clients like to read more. You can give them a chance to access more content if you have a blog or articles on your website.


That’s where you can tell your potential clients all about the different issues you work with, the methods you use, and everything that you think they might like to know.


If you follow my advice and start editing down the pages on your site, save everything you edit out on a separate document. You might find that you’ve got enough left over content to start writing some articles right now.


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