Open House/Q&A About
Creating Your Program Beyond Private Practice

Sorry, This Event Is Over.


Considering registering for my 11-week program: Create Your Program?

This is your chance to find out whether it’s a good fit for you.

If any of the following describes you, CYP might be for you:

  • Your therapy practice is full or almost full…you just don’t really want more therapy clients.

  • You don’t want to work more. In fact, you’d like to make MORE and work LESS.

  • Every time you see another therapist offer a program beyond private practice, you feel a twinge of “why haven’t I done this yet?”

  • Creating an offer beyond private practice has been on your to-do list for months or years.

  • You’ve got a notebook (or five) full of great and overwhelming ideas.

  • You’re scared about what your old supervisor and that one colleague in your consult group will think if you create something of your own.

  • You’re worried that expanding beyond private practice will put your therapy license at risk.

  • …Or maybe you’ve already created a program beyond private practice, and you feel stuck about how to draw people to it.

This Open House is not a formal webinar. I won’t be teaching you how to expand your business during this call.

It will be a chance to ask me anything and hear about how CYP works.

I would love to meet you and learn more about what you’re hoping to do with your business.

We’ll be on zoom. Feel free to have your camera off, although I would prefer to see you!

When you sign up you’ll also be on my email list. You can easily unsubscribe at any time.


I’m Annie Schuessler, host of Rebel Therapist Podcast. I help people trained as therapists and healers create programs beyond private practice so they can work with more freedom, make a bigger impact, and make money in new ways.