Need A Few New Clients NOW?

need a few clients now?

“I need a few new clients right away.”


I often hear this from therapists. It’s time to bring in more income to pay your bills. Maybe you’ve had some clients graduate recently, and you need to fill those slots. Maybe your expenses have gone up. Perhaps you’re just tired of waiting for your practice building strategies to pay off.


Even for this very short-term goal, you need to make a plan that moves you closer to achieving your long-term vision for your practice. You can tackle a short-term goal in a way that takes you OFF track from your long-term vision, or you can tackle that same goal in a way that brings you CLOSER to it.


For example, applying another insurance panel will take you OFF track from a long-term goal of creating a private pay only practice.


Slow down and figure out your long-term vision of what you’d like your practice to be like.


The first question I usually ask in a consultation with a therapist is: “What’s the difference between the private practice you have now and the one you’d really love to have?”


One part of that answer is how much money you’d like to make.


Just a few other parts of your vision are: who you’d like to be working with, what methods you’d like to be using, what hours you’d prefer to work, and what sort of office you’d like to be working in.


After you’ve tapped into that vision you can make a plan to bring in a few clients fast. Here are some potential ways:




When you speak for an organization where your right-fit clients are hanging out, you have a chance to bring many people into your practice quickly. Make sure you’ve got a process to help people sign up for a free consultation at the talk.




Reach out to a small number of colleagues to get together with. Bring your calm and generous self to these meetings. This is about creating or renewing long-term authentic relationships. When you’re top of mind for a number of people, you’re more likely to get referrals.


Make some key changes to your online presence. 


Creating a great online presence requires a thorough and time-consuming process, but there are a few important things you can do quickly. Doing these things is sort of like tidying up quickly before a friend comes over.


Edit your homepage so that it speaks more directly to your right-fit clients using words they would use.


Make sure your site makes it easy to take the next step to work with you.


If your photo isn’t great, get a new one taken.


Check your directory listings and make sure they highlight how you’re different from other therapists.


All of these practice building activities can take you closer to your long-term vision as long as you’re clear on what that vision is.


Is it time to create the private practice only you can create? Apply for a free consultation now. 


Find out what you need to do next to bring in more therapy clients. Take my Private Practice Strength Assessment. 

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